Cute Quinn
one-page political commentary tabletop game, I Do Not Want a Mastodon
Cute Quinn
“Now it’s in your house, touching all your things” Shdjfhj
ah dang, I've been sat on by a mastadon, but I escaped
again dang, how do I keep getting sat on
merry witchmas
i cant quite decipher this but frankly it's funnier that way
Cute Quinn
honestly me neither
pastel ranma
Welp the Mastodon destroyed everything I owned
I wound up understanding the mastadon
we are vegan
I assume my late relative was a small blue bird
Perhaps you'll build a gigantic pillowfort. Or collect tumblers.
Doctor Ansem
Okay, now it clicked
the grink
skerple : honestly I'm happy finding some new grounds to haunt
ahhh thats why im having trouble getting the joke i know 0 about this
Love Snake Kaja
Yeah, I just got a Mastodon for unrelated reasons to Twitter's collapse (a friend I had long been out of contact with runs her own instance) so I can understand at least some of those jokes
merry witchmas
.......i did not know mastodon was the name of an actual website dfklhg;dj
Love Snake Kaja
merry witchmas : More like an association of websites all running the same social network software.
Love Snake Kaja
It's rather decentralized
Love Snake Kaja
Open-source software, anyone can start up a Mastodan site and connect to other sites (though if you don't moderate the one you're running, you're likely to get blocked by other sites)