Dog people! I have a weird/funny story/ request for information. Last night, we were watching dog nephew Toby and my mom was playing with him. He was very hyper and tearing apart toys etc. At some point, he stops and just pees right there on the carpet. He's super well trained and almost never has accidents. He has a little bell he rings to let us know...
when he needs to go. So, I was thinking maybe it was because he was overexcited and in the midst of playing that he just like... ooops. Not that big of a deal but the WEIRD part comes in when my Mom tries to clean it up. He's barking like a mad man, especially when she was hitting it with this neutralizing spray thing. LIKE FLIPPING OUT.
He is fixed btw. So I don't think it's a territory thing but anyway, anyone have any ideas what that may have been about?
You're probably right about him being over-excited. Maybe his reaction to her cleaning was about the play stopping?
I'm not an expert, but I do think even neutered male dogs mark their territory by peeing - at least based on how often my dog pees on walks and after he sees another dog that he has barked at. I don't know how much is territory and how much is what I call dog pee graffiti (hi, drax was here).
His brother will pee when he gets really excited, even inside, tho my dog doesn't do that. Could be just wanted to keep playing and was mad she stopped
Tho when his brother pees, he doesn't really stop, he just sort of excitedly sprinkles everywhere. stopping and deliberately peeing seems more like marking territory to me.
: oh, that's a good point. he's VERY vocal when he wants people to play with him.
: lol, dog pee graffiti
I was surprised he was so unphased about having an accident and being admonished by my Mom. She didn't yell or anything but she did lower her voice and said his name in a disappointed tone.
When Oscar would have an accident, he would get visibly chagrined.
yeah it could just be the excitement/distraction of the play time session. I dunno about the cleanup part unless maybe he just doesn't like sprays?
do they spray him as a correctional thing?
Sounds to me like an overexcited accident. How old is he again? He’s still fairly young right? Both my girls were fixed and they still had to mark around places, plus occasionally Angel would pee from excitement. I think it’s just like Amber said and it’s fog graffiti. Tagging the streets. LOL
: he’s going to be 1 in February I believe
Yeah, easy to have an “accident” at that age.