One Armed Star
What do I need to know about getting a tattoo? Is there an etiquette or something? What do I have to do to my skin before/after? What should I not do to my skin? Please tell me anything that you think I might need to know even if it’s silly.
One Armed Star
I’m still pretty scared about it but I’m fucking almost 57. If I can’t face my fears now then when will I ever?
be sober aftercare just follow their directions
One Armed Star
ToriLok: soon. I have to wait until Saturday to call him and then I’ll make the appointment. My birthday is Dec 2 so ideally before then. I need to wait until after the 22nd or so though (that’s when my monthly money comes in). Maybe on thanksgiving! LOL Plus I gotta see if my friend will come with me for moral/creative support.
Hydrate before and after. Eat before your appt. Be prepared for it to be bigger than you expected. Tiny fine lines don’t age well. It’s really not a big deal. You’ll do fine.
I don’t drink the night before tattoo sessions.
My artist was very quiet. The first time I was uncomfortable and filled the silence with mindless chatter. I regret not being more quiet.
You don't need to do anything special to your skin. When they first start it hurts a little, but then your nerves kind of give up. It's fun! I have several.
As Whiskey said hydrate before and after and no alcohol 24 hours before due to bleeding. They will go over all the aftercare. And just remember to breathe
Swamp Daddy
One Armed Star
Thanks everyone!! These are all good tips! I’m normally a big water drinker so that’s not an issue and I haven’t been drinking lately. Just not in the mood. I might be a bleeder, I dunno. I’m scared if it’s going to hurt. I’m terrified of needles. I want to get it just over my left boob. Kinda over my heart.
One Armed Star
I’m used to being quiet for treatments and such so that’s no issue. He’s gotta work and be focused. I’ll be enjoying getting my boob touched though.
One Armed Star
Do you tip? How much?
You do tip in the US, not sure by you.
One Armed Star
OhCecilia : how much do you tip? I can ask some friends here too.
One Armed Star
ToriLok: yeah it’s highly unlikely that I’ll turn into a tattoo junky but I’m hoping it helps my fear of needles.
One Armed Star
Also hygiene. What I need to ask them about how clean they’re stuff is? I’m sure there’s extra measures included now.
From what i know with hygiene the artists shops are generally regulated by the health dept. They also don't want a bad rep and will use clean needles etc.
Aems bit of info from the govt there on that
One Armed Star
Aems : oh that’s all good info. Thanks! The guy I’ve picked has been around since the 90’s so I’m pretty sure he’s got a good rep.
10000% you tip. Of course it hurts. Yes it hurts. Anyone who tells you a tattoo doens't hurt is full of it. How tolerable is the pain? VERY. I find dental work hurts more
I'm positive he'll be fine, his work looks great. Be honest and say you are afraid of needles and he'll make sure you're good throughout if he's a good artist. :-D
I got my tattoo for my 60th birthday on my right shoulder. Yes, it hurt especially when she was over bone, but it was tolerable. She gave me ointment to put on it and gave me instructions on how to care for it. One of the instructions was "don't listen to any other advice".
^^ this is so true. There is a ton of aftercare advice out there. The most important thing to do is pick a great artist and do what they say to prep and heal.
I am no expert but I do think doing your research about the artist is KEY. Make sure you are very sure about their portfolio and whether or not they are expert in the style of tattoo you want. Make sure they operate a clean shop and have satisfied customers.
One Armed Star
Chestnut : how much should I tip? Thanks for the pain comparison. I think that helps. I’m usually ok at the dentist. Plus I’m getting it over my boob in a very fleshy area so no bones to deal with. My massage gal today just said the big thing is no shower for two days. That’s great info for when I’m scheduling it!
One Armed Star
You guys are all so helpful and supportive I really appreciate that! Plus my girlfriend said she’d go with me so now I’ve got moral and creative support by the hand!!!
I round up the tip; my skeleton in Sept was $300, I gave her $350. My grandchild's was $250 (faster and I paid for the design creation time as well) and I gave her $300.
I have a lot of ink, and I have always, always tipped. if it was $100, I'd give an extra 20-25$.
mine have always been hourly since most of them took 2-3 appts. I tipped at every appt.
Dont drink beforehand. Alcohol thins the blood.
I agree with isle. I tip in big round numbers
My thinking about tipping in most things is this is a luxury. I do not have to eat in a restaurant. I don't not have to get a tattoo or piercing. I choose these things and a good tip is part of the cost, not optional. My approach only, no judgement for how others operate.
One Armed Star
Chestnut : oh yeah I’m the same when eating out. If I can’t afford a decent tip (even though I tip much less here - it’s cultural) then I can’t afford to eat out. Period.
One Armed Star
I just read this article and it completely makes sense to me. Bottom line I will make sure I have a minimum of a 20% tip. Thanks again everyone!
Mine felt like little repeated stings for all three, so it wasn't bad. I echo no alcohol/drugs (good artists wouldn't do it anyway if they knew), and a nice distraction (music, etc). Let them know fears, and be ready with your ideas to work on.
Also, i don’t mean to be negative or give you anxiety, but i never, not once, never didnt feel every single poke. No ‘endorphins’ No numbness, and it hurt. But usually they will do a buzzzzbuzzzbuzzz for like 30 seconds, wipe, then buzzzzzzzz again. You’ll love for those wipes. Mind you, location and complexity makes all the diff. If yours is just black ink,
And small, it should be fine. You can handle it regardless.
With me, i always said it feels like they were dragging a hot knife point across my skin. Breathe ❤️ I’ve always used tattoo time to try and stay calm, and it’s good for freeing demons from your mind.
One Armed Star
isle : that hot knife feeling is what I’m anticipating. This is just over my boob so a very fleshy area. Hopefully that helps plus my gf is coming with me for support and someone’s hand to squeeze. LOL
Thanks so much for the input.
One Armed Star
I talked to my pill shrink about it too and he was surprised. Very supportive too. I’m hoping I can get it done before my birthday. Then I can show it to him before my trip to Spain.
Looking back at the pics that you are interested in, you should be fine! It shouldn’t take long at all.
One Armed Star
isle : thank you! That’s what I’m figuring. I just sent him the email with pictures. I to,d him that I’d call him tomorrow. (The website says only call on Wednesday and Saturday between 12-6pm)