[letha rambles] for the last ten years I've been convinced that Letha is a dog person, or else not really a pet person at all, and I think it's about time I came to terms with the fact that that's a poor show of ic/ooc distinction and she is in fact a cat person.
i think Letha probably would surround herself with cats if not for the fact that they inevitably get in the way of her favorite animal, crows.
Letha definitely also seems like the type of kid that would get a kick out of pushing her cat around in a stroller and dressing it in baby clothes, so maybe she had one as a kid. i don't think she would make the choice to get one as an adult unless it was a wedding present.
or a solution to a rodent problem which, honestly, the Regis family probably can't afford not to have cats around for that. their lands are not fertile and importing grain gets expensive.
all this brought to you by a Bones with zero sleep and this meme:
sounds right