Lady Bintley
14 years ago I became a ULC ordained minister. How can 2008 have been 14 years ago? Gaaaahhhhhh!
Batalie 🏳️‍🌈
Reverend Millow?
Lady Bintley
Basically yes...the mad things we do, eh? It was at a time when I was considering getting more involved in Pagan clergy. Yeah, glad I didn’t go forward with that, pagan politics was awful then, ten times bleeding worse now. Solitary for life.
Squeak =^..^=
(thinking) Remind me whut ULC is (full name).
I thinks I did that too.
Lady Bintley
Universal Life Church
Oh hey, I'm ULC ordained too.
Lady Bintley
Hooray for us all being Rev.!
Squeak =^..^=
Anyone need any demons casting out?
Lady Bintley
Squeak =^..^=
(thinking) Would you be Rev. Kitty or Rev. Wiggum?
Squeak =^..^=
I had a little surge of online stuff. I became a Rev., I became a Florida boat captain and became a Florida Notary Public.
Keep wondering about the Conceal Carry Permit. Don't want one, I just like doing online courses. (LOL)
Lady Bintley
Hahaha! ❤️