Lady Bintley
I've swapped from Firestorm to the official viewer, and bloody hell, it's working infinitely better for me than Firestorm. Which surprises me immensely..anyone else notice FS has been super glitchy recently?
MarvelMouse 🐭
yessssss I did this too. The SL viewer is way less glitchy. It does not have all the bells and whistles of Firestorm easily accessible but it ran way better for me.
Gogo ♔
omg! a plug for the sl viewer
Lady Bintley
Gogo ♔
ive been having insane hair glitch on fs
I just can't stand the ui in official. Like, it has good performance, but its so hard to see chat unless the window is covering most of my screen, and then I can'r see anything.
The SL viewer has an undeserved bad rep nowadays. True, the CHUI is a mess, but has been a fast & smooth performer even prior to the Lab's performance updates. But in trying to be the "Swiss army knife" of viewers, FS potentially takes way too much on, UI-wise, etc., some of which can impact performance/behaviour (& I speak as a long-time FS user!) .
I just tried the SL viewer and it does give me a prettier picture/colors but I have some serious texture thrashing with it, even with my draw distance down.
Gogo ♔
i've always used the SL viewer, only recently did i switch to fs for features unrelated to creation or anything useful LOL
Gogo ♔
they had camera smoothing which i liked for videos