: 原文是One member pissed herself in her bejewelled gown, before pouring bottles of urine on herself and the pavement outside the building, all the while shouting: “The EHRC has blood on its hands and piss on its streets”.
噗首的報導還有這個跨性別團體說明抗議行為藝術(?)的由來: POT say that they are inspired by the tradition of 70s and 80s ‘zaps’ — outrageous demonstrations designed to draw attention to issues facing queer people, and previously included everything from Conservative politicians being pied in the face on live television to drag nuns can-canning at Christian conferences.
“We want queer people to know that protests can be enjoyable, they can be theatrical, they can be exciting, and they can be full of rage,” the activist who spoke to VICE said.
跨運人士為抗議單一生理性別空間,在平等及人權委員會 (EHRC)大樓前留下超過60瓶尿液
名為《氣炸的跨跨》(Pissed Off Trannies/POT)的匿名團體,派出數名戴著頭套的代表,將超過60個裝滿尿液的寶特瓶,放在英國平等及人權委員會 (EHRC)的倫敦辦公室,以抗議該會主張保留生理女性空間的政策。在該場抗議活動中,一名穿著水鑽長裙的跨性別代表,甚至直接尿在大樓門前的人行道上,再把數瓶尿液倒在自己身上。同時,其他成員全程都大叫著: 「「EHRC手染跨性別鮮血,害跨性別只能尿在街上。」在EHRC的保安小組報警後,超過20名警官便抵達現場且拉起封鎖線。
不然你以為哪來那麼多尿小時候尿液檢查有買無糖綠茶當尿過POT say that they are inspired by the tradition of 70s and 80s ‘zaps’ — outrageous demonstrations designed to draw attention to issues facing queer people, and previously included everything from Conservative politicians being pied in the face on live television to drag nuns can-canning at Christian conferences.