Axe Goth Real?
you are rad as hell and SOMEDAY we will get to game together. someday. but i love hearing stories about your exploits and i think you're super cool and smart!! i respect you a lot
You're a fantastic writer, a compassionate and caring friend who regularly goes above and beyond for the people you live, an incredibly patient and incredibly gm, exceedingly funny and knowledgeable about the most fascinating things.
I love you and you gotta deal with it, you're stuck with meeee
Don't 4get DL-6
I genuinely see you as a mentor in some ways and a best friend in many others. I doubt I would know half as much as I do without your endless ability to mix witticisms, knowledge, and camraderie.
621st Raven
You're damn good on the writing front, from everything I gather you're a bloody amazing teacher, a great GM and worldbuilder, and you're great to shoot the shit with over stuff, be it dudepunchers or streams
621st Raven
and you and I have come up with some damn good stuff on our projects together
you're a good man.