Supervisor during Annual Report Meeting: So hear me out, this resident section is becoming it's own document with so many pages now in the mix. What if the Residency Program got its own Annual Report for the cohort year? So Liz can work on one that comes out in November for the 2021-2022 cohort that graduated in June?
Because struggling to get information from the other people wasn't hard enough...
because I need this report, theoretically to take with me in December (I would fly out Dec 2 I just havn't booked the tickets yet)
so like... my priorities have become
- ACCP Dinner venue, because that's for Oct 16
- getting her the news to review so I can set up photo days with faculty we're highlighting during Oct/Nov months
- Residency Annual Report - which includes figuring out a layout for everything, reaching out to the directors and asking them for shit
(shit meaning a two to three sentence about their program's focus. Then a small paragraph about their resident(s) accomplishments for the cohort year, and any news or photos they'd also like to include, because they'll be a small news section after the program highlights.)
we're talking a new 20-32 page document for me - keeping it divisible by 4 because it has to be able to print)
Supervisor was kind enough to take the Holiday Party - at least hounding the venue she wants to hold it at - off my plate and onto her Exec's assistant's plate so I can focuse on the other fires.
Two months ago we knew we had a faculty member leaving. He's been with the department for over twenty years, so of course I specifically went "So do you want to do a glass award for him? I know he's not retiring but he has been here for a long time."
DH: No, We're only going to do those for retirees.
DH: So... I know I said I wasn't planning to do anything, but, can you order an award for him? for 24 years of service? And have it to me by Wednesday?
Mad Props to my contact at Crystal Images/their marketing team, because she got it turned around with their warehouse on rush and it will be here Tuesday...
๊œฑแด˜ส€ษชษดษข ษชแด› แดษด; ๐ŸŒท : also not me having to stop mid check out on said award to call my CC bank to see of that approval for a higher credit limit was processed yet...