Bob Netherlands
[cw: pedophilia] So the show runner of the new Ren & Stimpy reboot was revealed
this is a bad start
Bob Netherlands
It’s Robin Byrd, one of John K.’s victims
Bob Netherlands
If that ain’t justice, I dunno what is
Meow Knight
I didn't even know we're getting a reboot. That's veeery interesting.
with that header I thought you were gonna say it was John K, somehow. very glad that's not the case.
Bob Netherlands
Bob Netherlands
I didn’t know how else to handle the issue behind it
hoping this job makes her happy
Wayward Haze
Wayward Haze
I am very happy for her. I hope it goes well ... those first 6 episodes were comedy gold but the rest are so ... not. And John K is just a GARBAGE human
𝖒𝖚𝖗𝖉𝖊𝖗 𝖔𝖋 𝖖𝖗𝖔𝖜𝖘
oh the warning on this made me think this was going a different direction
𝖒𝖚𝖗𝖉𝖊𝖗 𝖔𝖋 𝖖𝖗𝖔𝖜𝖘
yay for her
Gundam Ace
Oh damn, OK