Space is amazing.
But I'd also like to see a closeup of the things that arent that far away. Why can they not do this now? For that image in the link there is a zoom video where they show and sky close to the telescope and then slowly zoom in until you see what's in this image.
So instead of getting real nice images of what they could reach with telescopes before, they instead go deeper and deeper now until we have the same blurry mess we had before. Just different constellations now.
Doesn't make any sense to me? Just focus on one part of the galaxy now and go have a look at those possible earth like things.
I know that's different teams probably and differen money etc etc. But still...
Beautifull and Mind bending. When that light was sent out we were barely starting to paint on rock walls in caves.
Tillie I remember (a week ago?) there was an immage of Jupiter.
I wonder -probably not worth the effort- whether they could use it to look at one of the old Voyager space craft.
I don't mean to talk it down. The images are amazing and interesting. :-) I just want to see more things than just far away star clusters.