L'Cygna Tovah
in a fucking MIRACLE, my mom tested negative again today!
L'Cygna Tovah
so I can have some fucking cuddles
L'Cygna Tovah
her back still hurts though, that's non-plague-related
L'Cygna Tovah
Dad is down in his office trying to work
L'Cygna Tovah
because him being hit with the Plague Stick was immediately proceeded by him saying, "I need to spend this weekend knocking out some serious Billable Hours"
L'Cygna Tovah
you know
L'Cygna Tovah
because the universe is malicious
ah yes billable hours our collective beloathed
L'Cygna Tovah
turns out that when his brain isn't full of virus he can solve problems a lot better! who'da thunk
L'Cygna Tovah
anyway, get fully vaccinated & boosted, kids, because my mom has been sleeping next to a plague victim without getting infected