🔻Despite the presence of representatives of the IAEA at the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant, the Kyiv regime once again attempted to seize the nuclear power plant.
莫斯科時間9/2晚上11點,10公里河對岸的基輔軍搞了42條船載250人過河 ▪️On September 2, at about 11 p.m. Moscow time, two groups of boats and motor boats with a total number of 42 units with a landing force of over 250 people from among the special operations forces and foreign mercenaries attempted to land on the coast of the Kakhovka reservoir in the region of ENERGODAR and DNEPRORUDNY.
登陸艦隊被四架蘇30跟兩架卡52攔截,幹掉其中20艘,其他的掉頭跑了。 The landing force was hit by four Su-30s and two Ka-52 helicopters by the Russian Aerospace Forces, as a result of which 20 boats and boats were destroyed. The rest of the boats and boats turned around and left in the direction of the Ukrainian coast
俄羅斯砲兵接著跨河砲擊對岸基輔軍集結區 ▪️Russian artillery, including howitzers of high power "Malka", struck at the Ukrainian part of the coast in the areas of the settlements of Vyshetarasovka, CHERVONODNEPROVKA , where the remnants of the landing force came ashore.
Russian Defense Ministry: Next week, Russian Federation will present in Geneva documented evidence of violations by the United States and Ukraine of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Biological Weapons.
🔻Despite the presence of representatives of the IAEA at the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant, the Kyiv regime once again attempted to seize the nuclear power plant.
▪️On September 2, at about 11 p.m. Moscow time, two groups of boats and motor boats with a total number of 42 units with a landing force of over 250 people from among the special operations forces and foreign mercenaries attempted to land on the coast of the Kakhovka reservoir in the region of ENERGODAR and DNEPRORUDNY.
The landing force was hit by four Su-30s and two Ka-52 helicopters by the Russian Aerospace Forces, as a result of which 20 boats and boats were destroyed. The rest of the boats and boats turned around and left in the direction of the Ukrainian coast
▪️Russian artillery, including howitzers of high power "Malka", struck at the Ukrainian part of the coast in the areas of the settlements of Vyshetarasovka, CHERVONODNEPROVKA , where the remnants of the landing force came ashore.