Audrey Armstrong on Twitter

JK Rowling Haas been radicalized by online criticism of her anti-trans bigotry so she's adding more alt-right biases to her portfolio including anti-disabled, anti chronic illness, etc.

Dakota 🐦⬛🪵
She’s such trash

She's a piece of trash.

So, either she's always been like this and feels safe removing the masks, or she's managed to radicalize herself.

Dakota 🐦⬛🪵
: I think a little of both. Harry marries his secondary school crush, Tonks becomes more feminine and less gender fluid over the books, Harry is a jock, Harry becomes a cop....

Dakota 🐦⬛🪵
The books are very heterosexual and traditional values and often perceived queerness is slowly written out of the characters

Dakota 🐦⬛🪵
And of course Dumbledore’s sexuality is only mentioned by her not explicitly in the books

Dakota 🐦⬛🪵
And of course Dumbledore’s sexuality is only mentioned by her not explicitly in the books

Dakota 🐦⬛🪵
: Yeah. And well, while at the time, it felt like her characters were going for sort of a Dahl homage feel, its like looking back, her ableism kind of comes through a lot.

This is sad

Dakota 🐦⬛🪵
And her racism. Of course I missed all these references and stuff because I just tore through the books and was already reading adult fantasy when I was in eighth grade when I started to read them or so so I had absolutely no clue what happened at the end only to find out from fans.

Dakota 🐦⬛🪵
While I get the charm and nostalgia of the books I literally cannot with hp adults who make it their whole personality

Dakota 🐦⬛🪵
Beyond any shortcomings of the books or the author