ngl i fell off genshin for awhile but it was more that it was kind of a pain to play in a comfortable way. Playing on my phone no longer was really viable for me as everything was too high difficulty, and then i found that i was very rarely on my desktop, my preferred way to play
I did enjoy the sumeru quest. I thought it was neat, and I DID guess a little incorrectly at first. i was super convinced we were in The Matrix, and I was only somewhat wrong
i also find sumeru more fun to traverse than Inazuma was at first, though i enjoy the look of Inazuma more, and now that The Everything doesn't hurt me as much, I do like traversing Inazuma
heavensblessing: maybe after palaces we can canon update finally, so at least Xiao will know a little more(will at least know that Yanfei has seen him recently, and maybe have a single self preservation, but only one)
why do they do this to me