Lusamine will NOT be going to the wasteland because i feel like that bit in the OOC writeup about the zoo animals was targeting me specifically after i joked about her stealing animals from the zoos
and also because it will give her an opportunity to do something genuinely helpful and science-adjacent after she has done no scienc-y stuff since arriving or whatever......but mainly the zoo animal thing
MIGHT result in her first Ryslig death. we'll see how it goes but i'm rolling the thought around in my head...Beat at least WILL be dying (possibly to save her?) and that will be A Cool, Fun Time For Everyone
i was considering using this as an opportunity to give her a fog form but i'm on the fence about that. the thought of everyone else being in their fog forms and her being just like a tiny horse cracks me up
so the current contenders are....tiger (Tiger Queen Lusamine REAL!??!?!), penguin (Evangelion moments), and Baby T the fucking dinosaur (only temporary)
: WITH YOUR PERMISSION i will absolutely have her wrangle Baby T and later return him to Crash.....what does the boy look like. i need to know everything about him
comes back in here to add that if i don't give Shoka her fog form i think i will at least let her seaweed grow out to a ridiculous length as a result of her not bothering to cut it + exposure to the wasteland fog speeding up her already annoyingly fast "hair" growth rate maybe??? just go full swamp thing
i like to think that her tendrils, which usually just look like two long tentacles basically, would branch off into additional strands and resemble Reaper wings in their shape if she were to neglect to cut them
although it would be funny in a messed up way if she'd be driven to like steal those water jugs from characters who did get the care package post-arrivals
Shoka: how come YOU won't shut up everyone's DYING