B:"Omg you know what happened? I put a tweet saying I need a massage of my shoulders and then after I posted that IRyS was trending, and it's because after I posted that everyone was replying with IRyS on my tweet!"
B: This happened two days ago. She was helping Paparat do something and calling customer service. She got transferred a couple of times after already waiting a really long time.
B:It was one of those calls where they dont like being on speaker for some reason. Finally got transferred to this lady that wasn't being nice on the call. Paparat was asking something to confirm and the lady was treating him like he was stupid like "Do. you. understand. sir?".
B:She was asking if Paparat has a specific document and Paparat said "No, I don't have it anymore" and the rude lady kept asking like Paparat was the one who didn't understand
B:Bae trying to give the lady the benefit of the doubt, but it's hard when it's her family. Afterwards Bae was cursing the lady like wishing she'd bang her head or there's no TP in the public washroom when she needs to go!
B:Mamarat would have thrown hands. Paparat is the calm one in the family B:Like mother like daughter? I don't know. I can be both chill and not chill B:There was one time where Mamarat was in the wrong, and she caused a big fuss. Then she came home and she was really embarassed
B:Mamarat can be a Karen sometimes, usually she's fine but in situations where she has to be a Karen she will. B:Mamarat got these bottles of supplements one time, and Bae went into the main house one day and took one, and Mamarat got angry at the store clerk because she thought the store sold her an opened package
B:Like mother like daughter? I don't know. I can be both chill and not chill
B:There was one time where Mamarat was in the wrong, and she caused a big fuss. Then she came home and she was really embarassed
B:Mamarat got these bottles of supplements one time, and Bae went into the main house one day and took one, and Mamarat got angry at the store clerk because she thought the store sold her an opened package