Spent 30min mapping out possible clinics close to the office for my 3rd (technically 4th jab) vax jab. Went to the mall by my office to grab something and chanced upon a small booster initiative set up. They had my choice of jab. Processed and done in 5min. Reflected on the national system within a day.
I am both impressed and dismayed. Impressed how its so optimized here. Dismayed as to why after years it's nowhere close to this over there.
Autobot Abubot
Nice! Sanaol (that's the first time I've used that phrase and I still hate it)
Autobot Abubot
Yup. They had a local booster initiative here in Brookside. I though "yeah! I don't need to line up for 4 hours!"

I lined up for 4 hours.
@ sanaol
It's weird. Indonesia and Philippines are always ranked closely in any national ranking for anything good and bad. But the govt desire for meaningful change is night and day.
Like we have all the upside but we keep squandering it whereas in Indonesia theyre purely and collectively willing itself to be better.
meowbykate ♥
wow that’s amazing!!!
Matter of political will, really. Time and time again it has been proven by a few shining stars in public service but politics and personal profit keeps getting in the way for most:-(
tambolera22 : Exactly
Autobot Abubot
How's the education system in Indonesia Marco ?
Always wondered how much of a factor the high dropout rate here is for how it's shaking out for us.
Can't say much about the quality but like most things here, it's all about the logistics. Tools that make elearning or at least remote learning possible plus the process of making the content is pretty optimized. Like how someone would take a twitch stream to make content out of it. Same thinking.