Wayward Haze
Can't decide if I want to do Andrew and Ronstadt tags today or focus on Norman, any requests?
I could poke at a Cube thread or so
(catch up a few pre-hiatus things)
Meow Knight
You know what I want
Wayward Haze
WELP the boyfriends have spoken
Meow Knight
fadskljfd not necessarily! What I want is for you to do the tags which bring you the most joy.
Wayward Haze
Wayward Haze
Seriously, you're so sweet. How are you holding up today?
Meow Knight
I'm hanging in there. My back kind of pulled some more bullshit yesterday, but I had a good sleep and now the pain's back down to 'sensitive so long as I don't make any weird movements'.
Wayward Haze
/vibes a bit to Shostakovich before phone tags
Meow Knight
(and then I proceed to catch myself sitting somewhat sideways on the chair several times here at work)
of course it's Crash bringing up the cartoon questions we don't think about
Wayward Haze
HE SAID IT AGAIN it feels like I haven't done it in forever
Wayward Haze
Meow Knight
: It's phantom actuators, I've figured it out
Meow Knight