well, i can't see the anon lurk, but that's really fucking stupid. like.... scrolling isn't hard my dude? Not apart of that came? scroll. Don't want to see this meme? scroll. tired of someone going insane with double plurks? scroll. or mute even. there are so many ways to get around this...
most other folks in the anon plurk are in agreement that this person is probably unfollowing the wrong person (and someone else has pointed out that anon plurks aren't hard to figure out, especially if you've got a small friends list, but w/e)
i used to have this one chick post a single picture on her timeline instead of in one pluck cus "It's my timeline, i want all the pretty pictures" so she was posting this one actors face, one top level, about 30 times in a hour. Pretty sure she lost most her friends instantly. wasn't hard to cut that out. but THAT is spamming in my mind.
also 'memes' are different? "post the 5th photo in your phone", "As my character personal questions" 'What's your plurk handle mean?' 'Which disney character do you see represent me' and "pick a color vibe' are all different memes. so what if they all got posted in the same day?
owl553: (batshit take)
all hell breaks loose