Happy Pie 🥗
[Vtuber] Fulgur 🐏
Millie Parfait 🪄 NIJISANJI EN on Twitter
總之就是米粒拿了一篇復製文要腐醬唸,復製文原文可參考 這邊
我估狗看看 (code)
Happy Pie 🥗
Take a look at this fucker right here. It's an abomination.

I hate it!

I don't know anyone think this is a good idea for emoji.
The point of emojis is to show emotions, what emotion does this 🗿 show?
Do you just wake up in the morning and think "Wow, I sure do feel like a massive fucking stone 🗿 today! "
Happy Pie 🥗
It provokes me whatever I see it. It marks me with its smug visage.

What I really want to do is drive down to the emoji headquarters, find the computer that hosts the specific emoji, and light it on fire!!
Happy Pie 🥗
I like to push it off a cliff and watch it shatter into itty bitty pieces.
People just comment with it as if it's funny.


"Oh wow, it's a stone head 🗿, how fucking hilarious and original, I'll use it in every comment I post."

Happy Pie 🥗
Why is it have to be so goddamn smug? You are a fucking stone! You have no goals, you never accomplish anything in life apart from pissing me off!!

Oh yeah, I go die! fucker!
Happy Pie 🥗
Happy Pie 🥗
他罵人好好聽,多罵一點 🥵🥵🥵
Happy Pie 🥗
話說這個復製文的最後一句,原文是 "I hope you die.",腐醬沒有照著唸他人好好
Happy Pie 🥗
Happy Pie 🥗
腐醬可以考慮做一次罵倒類的配信嗎 🥵🥵
Happy Pie 🥗
望月【Mochitsuki Rias】 - YouTube
紫琰 ↞๛ᗦ↞՞
unknownsss: 這個策劃很厲害 但不建議戴耳機wwww(耳膜爆炸
Happy Pie 🥗
紫琰 ↞๛ᗦ↞՞ : 應該不會聽了,看這個文字轉播就好,我耳朵也受不了 XDD
Happy Pie 🥗