Slides in late with Altair's thoughts on his monster body and being a monster in general
Altair was born human but he was transformed into a being made of magic when he was sixteen so his thoughts on being a monster are complicated
back home what is left of his human body is only an anchor for his magic, which can't exist in the real world without an earthly tether. As a result, his human side feels like a distant echo. He can remember being human before but it feels like he's looking at someone else's life and his senses don't quite feel real, sort of like an out-of-body experience.
For many reasons, Altair doesn't like his magical self at all. He feels like his life was stolen from him and he hates what he has become.
I forgot to mention that he got this magical form from a nameless goddess, who he believes ruined his life. This ties into his initial reaction to the fog god's "gift"
In Ryslig, Altair hates that he was turned into yet another monster by a god again.
However, he very much prefers being a troll to the shadow mage he was back home
His soul feels connected to his body again and he feels real. It reminds him of when he was human
He doesn't care about the rock skin or more monster-like body. In fact, it irritates him when the monsters that have a normal body (not spirit-like or dead, etc.) complain about it. Yes, adjusting can be hard but he can feel again and that's more important to him.
there are aspects of his troll form that he doesn't like though, it's just that being anchored in his body again is worth it.
He hates his cat tail because the form his soul takes is a cat, which frustrates him to no end. He also has a hate love relationship with his crystals. They are from his world which was destroyed. He loves that he still has a piece of his world but they feel tainted because they are from the fog god.
He absolutely loves flying! He will never admit it but he's glad he made that drunken deal with mana for his crystal wings. When he was a slime he was miserable because he was stuck on the ground all the time. He needs his heights and flying.
The main thing he hates about being a troll is the aggression. He hates losing control but he also embraces the mindless rage more than he likes.
Slime was fun! Not for Altair at first though lol
Half of Altair's soul belongs to his nameless goddess so I designed his slime body mostly on her this time and gave him a dark watery form based on her magical dimension. I mixed the water with paint, Altair's secret passion, to show that there is still a hint of Altair in there somewhere.
needless to say Altair did not take kindly to losing his human like body again, especially when it resembled the side of himself that he hates.
He also lost a lot of his sense of touch again and his mind wandered all the time which made it too easy to lose himself again
Altair kept himself grounded by having fun with his shapeshifting and slowly he stopped fighting and embraced his scatterbrained mind. Once he did, he loved being a slime. He couldn't hold on to any negative thoughts for long so he felt like he returned to the young, rebellious youth that he was before magic destroyed his life
I might temp slime again sometime because it was so fun! I loved playing with Altair's creativity with his shapeshifting and my boy was genuinely happy for once! It was fun going back to the rebellious sailor Altair was before he became a grumpy troll
not that I don't love him as a grumpy troll