Volz’s quick transfer was likely the result of the recent success of a lawsuit settlement between the ACLU and DJDOC. Last year, the settlement was reached stipulating that transgender inmates must be housed on the basis of their self-declared gender identity.
The agreement came after the ACLU had been fighting a case on behalf of a trans-identified male inmate who had been housed in a men’s institution and reportedly faced abuse and discrimination.
He is now located in the same institution as Ashley Romero, his former transgender pornography business partner whom he assigned to rape his daughter on camera on at least one occasion.
'She will never see her child again... I can't wrap my head around what happened in this case,' he said, adding the evidence was 'some of the worst images I have ever seen in my life' according to My Central Jersey.
Cowell explained Volz had no criminal record, had served in the US army and was not deemed to be a violent sexual predator prior to the case.
因性虐待7歲的親生女兒,強迫她拍色情影片而被判刑25年不得假釋的跨女Marina Volz,近日已由男子監獄移監到女子監獄,正是最近有兩名女囚因為無術跨女受孕的那間。
Last year, the settlement was reached stipulating that transgender inmates must be housed on the basis of their self-declared gender identity.
Perry Cerf因性侵及謀殺女人入獄→
Cowell explained Volz had no criminal record, had served in the US army and was not deemed to be a violent sexual predator prior to the case.
被捕的這些人是專門製作LGBTQ看的A片的"製作公司", 至於為什麼宣稱做給LGBTQ看的作品就會變成去做兒童A片嘛, 相信應該就不需要多解釋了
然後ACLU這組織其實也很有掛, 現在已經被有些人稱作美國公民不自由聯盟了, 因為他們現在專門站在自由的對面