My Knee
[running] bridge run was great tonight in distance, I did six miles out and back and made it nearly entirely across the Hudson, but hoo but I Do Not Like breezes that are just....warm air getting pushed around
My Knee
Usually there's better air out on the bridge but tonight it was like some invisible god parked its swamp ass above us
My Knee
I am gonna be sore tomorrow
My Knee
but my leg muscles are looking gr8
My Knee
maybe one day I'll have reasonable muscle tone in any other part of my body, at all
why i otter
why i otter
i wish i could hang out with you cool runner kids
My Knee
why i otter : hey so even if the weekly runs are too inconvenient, the South Nyack 10 Miler race in Sept is becoming the South Nyack 7.8 across the bridge bc they're paving the river road down to Piermont could run that with us...
why i otter
i'm definitely interested! what weekend is it?
My Knee
It's Sept 11
why i otter
ah dang i probably can't then, my cousin's wedding is the night before and we might be staying over (or get back really late)
My Knee
Ooh yeah def wouldn't push that
My Knee
We could do a bridge run just for fun! The peds path is free
why i otter
i'd be down for that
why i otter
we should do regular running weekends...we can alternate me coming up there or you down here
My Knee
Yaaaas I would love that, I need weekend run accountability
why i otter
same here haha