這些名字可以估狗看看都有很多好好看ㄉ東西ㄛ,比如說把上面那一群漂亮姊姊合照裡其中一位Nusch Eluard丟去搜尋,你就可以看到這樣子ㄉ照片ㄛ 1935, Paris, France. Photograph of lovers Sonia Mossé & Nusch Eluard by Man Ray.
" Salvador Dalí once dismissively said of Fini that she was “better than most, perhaps. But talent is in the balls.” Like many other great painters and writers of the age, she was all too often overlooked because she was a woman "
Kahlo(芙烈達卡蘿) was not much enamoured of these new artistic arrivals – she once called Carrington and her friends "those European bitches", and said she thought them overintellectual.
Leonor Fini和Leonora Carrington:
Leonora Carrington和Remedios Varo:
Denise Colomb took this series of photos of Carrington with Leonor Fini at Fini's apartment on Rue Payenne in 1952
1935, Paris, France.
Photograph of lovers Sonia Mossé & Nusch Eluard by Man Ray.
Simpatía 1955
Energía Cósmica (Inspiración) 1956
Remedios Varo con máscara de Leonora Carrington, ca. 1957
Remedios Varo 戴著 Leonora Carrington 的面具,拍攝的人是Kati Horna(墨西哥攝影記者,超現實主義攝影師和老師)
萊昂諾・菲妮,二十世紀初最具代表性之阿根廷女性藝術家。長期旅居於法國,受超現實主義影響,其作品帶有強烈自傳性色彩。菲妮其自畫像與神秘氣氛之畫作,多圍繞夢境與女同志性別傾向之色情主題。 1907年生於阿根廷布宜諾斯,成長於義大利,菲妮早年著迷於死亡的議題,常於當地太平間觀察遺體。僅管沒有接受過正式的藝術訓練,然而義大利矯飾主義的風格深深影響了她。1931年菲妮遷居至法國,並與馬克・恩斯特(Max ERNST)、李歐諾拉.卡靈頓(Leonora CARRINGTON)結為好友。其作品為紐約大都會博物館、巴黎龐畢度藝術中心、倫敦泰德美術館與多家代表性藝術機構所典藏。
以上簡介來自 羅芙奧藝術家簡歷
Le long du chemin , 1967
Pleasure, 1964
Girl Friends, 1952
" Salvador Dalí once dismissively said of Fini that she was “better than most, perhaps. But talent is in the balls.” Like many other great painters and writers of the age, she was all too often overlooked because she was a woman "