on hiatus
Ugh I need to get earplugs for swimming. This is ow
on hiatus
I got some water trapped in my ear for a little while, and now it seems to have caused an ear infection
on hiatus
This probably explains part of the feeling crappy for the past couple of days
on hiatus
Me Then: I'm sure it'll wear off if I get more sleep and drink more water!!!
Me Today:
if you get water in your ears pour a little rubbing alcohol in, that usually helps me (I get horrible vertigo from an inner ear issue if I get fluid in my ears, but also can't wear ear plugs b/c inner ear issue)
on hiatus
I will have to try that if it happens again
on hiatus
My ears perpetually hate me
🐚 Rui 🐙
ordered earplugs too
on hiatus
Debrox Swimmer's Ear Relief Ear Drying Drops
I use stuff like this to clear my ears if I get water stuck in my ears when swimming.
on hiatus
Oh that sounds wonderfully helpful. I am new to being able to swim all the time again, so I no longer have a lot of the stuff that I used to take having for granted, sob.