Year of the Cat
Just putting ducks in a row here.....
Year of the Cat
For July, in order:
Year of the Cat
- Maul and Savage fight Faith and Willow. Savage dies and Maul goes completely nuclear until Faith mercy kills him.
Year of the Cat
- Maul comes back from death corrupted into Stage 4 corruption as spider!Maul and batshit crazy.
Year of the Cat
- This lasts until Vyng can do some rituals and other things to get most of the corruption out of him.
Year of the Cat
- Maul finds out The Emperor is responsible and so he goes to torture him until he gets all his rage out. John inflicts a non-lethal but still painful injury on him once he's done. Maul possibly goes to Usagi to heal it.
Year of the Cat
- Maul, angry and fuming he wasn't able to kill The Emperor, decides to find someone who can. He'll ask Reaper and be looking around for others who can do so as well, which means he might run into D and find out he can do it too.
man a tag team fight with Reaper D and Emperor would be so cool but i feel it'd be unwieldy
Year of the Cat
- Maul sends out a meatbasket with salami, dried fish, jerky, and a live chicken to everyone who manages to kill John in thanks.
Year of the Cat
WingsOfCover : Alas, probably!
D requires at least half payment up front
Year of the Cat
Also hello there, I was just about to ping you in haha!
Year of the Cat
A BIG meatbasket for D then LOL.
D at least can put that food to use giving it to people working on building his castle the outpost
Year of the Cat
Just gonna ping everyone who is involved in here to make sure everyone is on the same page! TroubledBlues CERTAINTY Vettergesic ʙᴏɴᴇs ѕтσям¢αℓℓєя
Year of the Cat
WingsOfCover : Can also drain the chicken of blood for a snack if necessary.
yes, but also ew
he's a picky hemovore
Reaper needs to build his more cold blooded reputation so thanks for the opportunity, Maul
Maul... gonna have a VERY busy month
that sound right, re: Vyng & Maul. He's got some Trench-specific remedies that should help
At what point in July did you want the Stage 4 corruption to be cleared? Before he goes to confront John?
Year of the Cat
WingsOfCover : Can't always be picky in Trench! What if all the food disappears??? (Which I know would mean all the people disappear for D BUT YOU NEVER KNOW!!!)
Year of the Cat
Vettergesic : Anything for his mate. ;-)
then he wouldn't drink any blood because animal blood does nothing for him and he'd just go crazy with the pain of hunger
Year of the Cat
Latroma : YUP. And be in the no fun zone the whole time.
but not die because he doesn't need to eat to live
Year of the Cat
ѕтσям¢αℓℓєя : Yes, he'll need to be de-corrupted before he goes off to torture John at the end of the month.
yep that sounds good to me!
Okay, gotcha. Any preference on whether this happens before or after Mariana is appeased toward the end of the month?
Luna won't be killing him, but she'll certainly be giving him a good beat down bc she's deeply angry at him fucking around with Mariana.
so no meat basket for her (aw rats)
Year of the Cat
ѕтσям¢αℓℓєя : Hmmmm, probably before since Maul's gonna try to enlist her help since she's his patron and he knows a pissed-off Pthumerian is a good thing to have on your side when getting revenge.
Year of the Cat
ᴠᴏʟᴋᴀʀɪɴ : Heh, Maul will be like "I still don't like you but have a high five."
Year of the Cat
I kind of picture her like Arthur Weasley with his sons when they stole the car when she hears what Maul did. "That was very wrong, very wrong indeed....... what was it like?"
Works for me!
Tempted to have Wes back up Maul in smacking The Emperor, except Wes will be depowered and in The Wrong Body for the month of July.
And he's more mad about the depowering than the Wrong Body.
Year of the Cat
SNERK. Wesker, your priorities as always are amusing.
lmk what dates people have penciled in for all this! I'm juggling a lot of stuff for John this month (wow, almost like he pissed off a lot of characters, smh) and want to make sure the timeline aligns.
Mid-month vengeance attempts are excellent bc I want him to hit the network complaining about it before the end of the month.
I am happy to see characters come after him separately or together! He is very difficult to kill except by magical means, but characters can definitely kick him around and chop off his limbs etc. They grow back.
Just be warned that he's extremely good at dishing back... so if you don't want to get maimed in return, it's good to join someone like D, who can definitely kill him.
(Alternately, he can maim people to make a point and then fix them up at the end.)
Year of the Cat
ʙᴏɴᴇs : So Maul will be dying at the beginning of the month, spend two to three weeks as a crazy corrupted spider!Maul, and then get decorrupted by Vyng, so his attempt will come towards the mid or end of the month depending on when his corruption is lifted.
(If anyone wants a death, btw, he can absolutely lose patience and drop people for insolence. Especially near the end of the month.)
Wes is going to be busy helping D with the outpost, as a way to work off some annoyance (and make himself feel useful while he's depowered), so the confrontation might not come till later in the month.
Excellent... just let me know what you desire, death vs. maiming vs. maiming that gets healed immediately vs. no harm.
Toasty Mallow
Usagi will heal Maul
John is a god of flesh and necromancy! He can stop a person's heart from a distance, body-horror them to death, make their sword arm wither away, whatever you desire.
Year of the Cat
Well, Maul's got half a body to work with, so upper-body trauma is what's gonna go on. Question, is John aware Maul has two hearts?
Year of the Cat
Also since I'm grody and we're in a horror game, how quickly can John regrow his eyes?
Year of the Cat
And other body parts for that measure?
John has a passive awareness of the bodies/physiology of everyone around him, so long as folks are down for that! He can regrow his eyes very quickly and you are entirely welcome to put them out (repeatedly!)
generally anything you cut off him will be back within a few seconds.
He is really, really strong, I cannot overstate how much this dude is a god-tier final boss. He just... has zero physical combat ability (that we know of), it's ALL magical might.
So his options here are really just to do some magical maiming/murder or take the damage while he tries to talk his way out.
Year of the Cat
Yep, I shall be down for some body horror for Maul. He's already lost his eyes once in a horrific manner in the time he's been in Deer games, so what's a little more???
Year of the Cat
Maul, gazing at all the equipment he's got lined up: Hmm, so the drill didn't work. Let's try the pliers next!
Toasty Mallow
Is Usagi restoring his eyes again?
Year of the Cat
Quite possibly. Or having to fix one of his hearts he's never had one of those destroyed before!
Toasty Mallow
Usagi will restore it no problem
lmao despite the mutual dislike of one another they're just at one another for fucking up John

lmaooo. they both just wanna know how it went with each others fights
reaper is basically a regenerating undead smoke monster who can infect people with himself to destroy their tissues so if he goes after John, it sounds like a great time for them both!
love it... so much variety
alternatively reaper and John might get on......
they honestly might.
D, who spectate Luna's yeet-fest, also approves of her spirit. just not her technique
she's trying her best... and getting traumatised for her efforts by getting puppeted when she already has possession trauma
if D is spectating he can swoop in to carry off moon child if she panics
she'll be using accidental magic to shunt John back and break his hold on her but then she'll absolutely be grabbing her wand and making a run for it whilst in the midst of a ptsd attack, so there's an idea
Toasty Mallow
Poor Luna
it's a rough month, y'all.
Year of the Cat
ᴠᴏʟᴋᴀʀɪɴ : Exactly! Luna over here in the spirit of "I may not condone what has happened but I certainly understand it."