[RL][RP] After health problems have caused me to take such a long break from tags, I'm considering dropping RP altogether. I don't think it's fair to all of you to constantly being taking these giant pauses inbetween tags and I feel guilty for stringing people along when there's no guarantee I'll be able to do tags.
mummy 2 be
I am sorry you’re still struggling ❤️ if dropping is better for you I support you! But if it’s for our benefit, I am so happy to be as slow as you need. Or pause for a long time and pick up fresh when you feel like it.
I will say personally I don't mind long gaps because real life comes first, but sometimes taking a break can be better to recover!
Seeing this late, but I will never mind gaps between tags. We all have real lives that come first! And this is supposed to be a fun hobby, not one that makes you worry or feel guilty. Tags happen when they happen!