on hiatus
[cw: cancer] Anxiety...

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Had to get six biopsies... Six.

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I'm so tired and sore, lol.....

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And it'll be at least a week before we know anything

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So much money went towards that, though, and that is just adding to the anxiety

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God the doctor was so nice though. Gave us 20% off just because we were really stressed over the original price

I hope all goes well!

on hiatus
He definitely earns having a 5* rating

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Thank you, I am praying it's nothing

on hiatus
2022 has been merciless enough. For now... today is treat ourselves and rest day, so we went and got a couple of doughnuts, and I'm gonna crochet for a bit

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Flops... finally home

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Also this is such a small thing, but it's somehow the thing making me the most frustrated

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Or it feels like it should be a small thing ?? idk, either way

on hiatus
But yeah. I am so annoyed that I can't even go swimming for a week

🐚 Rui 🐙
that's valid to be annoyed over

🐚 Rui 🐙
and yeah I hope all goes well with the biopsies too

I'm so sorry, biopsies are very stressful, and not being able to swim sucks

fingers crossed for nothing to see

on hiatus
Ty both. I'm hoping I'll find something that I can do outside water. I have a blanket I'm working on, too, so that'll be good for keeping my mind from wandering

that sounds so stressful, wishing you the best possible results from it!

One Winged

on hiatus

on hiatus
God pain meds wore off and this shit hurts way more than I anticipated

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Me: Eh most are super shallow, I'll be fine!

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I was too tired and stressed to realize it's less about the depth and more about the locations + number

🐚 Rui 🐙
oh no hon;;;