Miyuki Kazuya's
oh since I reaaaallly like my current phone case jd mo mejeng dimari oge muahaha
Miyuki Kazuya's
gataw dah pokonya tuh manis banget ya even the double strap parts tuh cantik. the glitter isnt too much trs tampak depannya nih klo lg ngetik brasa hape² mahal gitu
Miyuki Kazuya's
ya i mean hape gw emang ga murah banget juga tp dibilang mahal mungkin agak mahal tp ga semahal itu juga /trs mau lo apa sih wa
Miyuki Kazuya's
pokonya sesuka ituuuu sama ni caaseee harga ga boong lah ya (the priciest among this brand for this type of case). although yg 1 lagi lebih mahal, tp krn gw dodol beli warna shadow jd aja my phone brasa kek hape bapak² pas dipakein orz (shouldve bought the clear version)