Sure, character dads, why not.

Stella, surprisingly enough, is from a fully functional family. Her parents are runaways from mildly unhinged monster hunter clans who dhampir'd themselves for more power and decided to raise a family/hunt monsters someplace that they were needed, just happened that the undercity of Acherys was in desperate need of someone other than corrupt cops

to cull the monsters.

Her dad in particular is a gentle, white mage type that fights with precision. Very much a househusband.

Tsukiko never knew her parents, but she's got, like, two and a half dad figures:

Monk Jinpachi, from her pre-transition monastery days. Strict and gruff but pretty much the only person who got that she was ADHD and tried to work with her rather than meaninglessly punish her. She was really attached to him then, uh

things went. badly. when the monastery got attacked

Then there's Gentaro, the old, blind thief and general orphan caretaker in the Zone that she winded up in. She REALLY vibed with him and picked up the tricks of the street well, they had a more casual relationship since she was still hurt from losing Jinpachi but she cared about him a lot. They made blind jokes at his expense.

He probably helped her figure out some gender stuff offscreen, too.

...then he ALSO died because of the first governasty we fought, rip

And the "a half" is Jack, the lazy-but-not-really vice commander of Resistance who Tsukiko instantly started vibing with the moment she met him even though he got on the rest of the group's nerves, and they only turned out more similar in a lot of ways as time went on. Tsukiko looks up to him a lot.

...he was ALSO the former bearer of the Fox Soul AND the former Red Ranger so something Weird is going on there, but it also makes how much their brainwaves match make a lot of sense

Arkou was functionally orphaned when she was really young. I'm going to count Yvette as a Female Dad because she DEFINITELY wasn't a mom but had some sort of weird parental relationship to Arkou.

Yvette was a pretty hotshot merc who winded up at functionally the bottom of the barrel for some reason, was pretty Gruff and Serious, but took care of Arkou a lot, looked out for her, taught her some self-defense, etc.

Then when everything went to shit she sacrificed herself after a few months of running to give Arkou one more chance to escape and she's still kinda Fucked Up about it.

Then there's Gerry Tetson, who pretty much adopted Arkou afterwards.

He's the VERY IMAGE of the down-on-his-luck private investigator, except in addition to the classic street smarts and demeanor of the archetype he's also very intelligent, being more of a Golden Age detective-type than anything else.

Gerry was a mess when he first adopted Arkou but forced himself to clean up his act so she wouldn't get bad habits... and tried rEALLY HARD to keep her from getting into the business but, you know, nosy teens gonna nosy teen\

Arkou looks up to him a lot and finding him after he vanished into thin air is actually why she joined Huginn.