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i dont know a final fantasy from an original fantasy but....
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i dont know if i could ever play cause there's like 500 games and i play like 4 games a year lol
๐•Š๐•ก๐•’๐•”๐•– ๐”ธ๐•”๐•–
Each numbered entry is it's own thing.
๐•Š๐•ก๐•’๐•”๐•– ๐”ธ๐•”๐•–
So no worries. You can pick one and stick with it.
๐•Š๐•ก๐•’๐•”๐•– ๐”ธ๐•”๐•–
Just if you pick 7, brace yourself.
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i think my sister has it i've just only occasionally watched her play
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but that is good to know, i am not knowledgeable about these games
juliette lives
you can absolutely play just one
juliette lives
idk what's up with there being new 7 content but
juliette lives
Sephiroth is in fact hot
juliette lives
I've never played 7 but I've absorbed a lot anyway
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most of what i know is just osmosis through rp
I definitely absorbed literally all of my knowledge of FF7 from things I saw in RP or picked up from talking to other people. I didn't really start playing FF games until FF8.

I'm still very very fond of, mostly for its commitment to ensuring the storyline is as fucking out there as possible and making exactly zero effort to hide it.
But yeah, like ๐•Š๐•ก๐•’๐•”๐•– ๐”ธ๐•”๐•– said, you can basically just pick whichever one you want and go with it. With the exception of Final Fantasy X and Final Fantasy X-2, I think most of them are self contained.
(I can't remember if Final Fantasy XIII got a proper sequel or if it was more like a DLC / re-release thing)
๐•Š๐•ก๐•’๐•”๐•– ๐”ธ๐•”๐•–
It got two sequels.
Yeah anything that just is "Final Fantasy [number here]" is one you can pick up and play without knowing anything
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i did not know that i thought they were all connected haha
It seems like they should be but nah
Incidentally, I highly recommend FF12. It was one of my really big fandoms back in the day.
7 is honestly kind of a mess but worth playing just for the cultural impact. It is a fun one. I haven't touched the new stuff though so I can't say anything about that other than the graphics look pretty.
They're redoing FF7 because it is a good money maker. But yeah, all Final Fantasies are separate. Although the MMORPG FF14 refers to like. All the other final fantasies and also has crossover events. That one is a big reference to every FF. But the others are all 100% separate things unless stated