r e i n v e n t
https://images.plurk.com/3lSmhhEb37rST0SH3YN8p8.jpg I know a bunch of you may not be from here but if you'll could boost and share this I would be so grateful! feel free to grab the banner to post up on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. send it to nearby friends as well! Thanks, lovelies. Let me know if I'll see you this weekend!
andie 🌨
I desperately wish I could attend this, but I've got to work a woodfire shift from 2 AM - 6 AM on the 19th so I don't know that I can make such a long trip in that time frame. Ugh. I'm wishing you the absolute best time!
r e i n v e n t
andie 🌨 : take care of yourself first! don't push it and we'll get to see each other eventually!!!
r e i n v e n t
thanks everyone for the shares!!!
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also the fair does lectures on saturday, so you can show up and learn about new things!
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thanks to everyone who shared this around for me! you guys are fab!