美國財政部長葉倫Janet Yellen指出,為緩解飆升的通貨膨脹,美國正在考慮撤銷部分川普時代對中國加徵的懲罰性關稅。

除非延長期限,否則美國對中國進口貨加徵數以千億美元計的關稅措施將自7月屆滿,而總統拜登已面臨愈來愈多呼聲要求撤銷所謂的「301條款」(Section 301)關稅措施,以對抗40多年來最嚴重的通膨壓力。法新社報導,葉倫告訴國會議員,政府將在「數週內」就關稅計畫提供更多資訊。

美國抗通膨壓力 葉倫:數週後擬重新配置對中關稅 | 國際 | 中央社 CNA
"I believe some of the tariffs...really ended up being paid by Americans, not by the Chinese, hurt American consumers and businesses," Yellen said, adding that the administrtion was looking to "reconfigure those tariffs in a way that would be more strategic."
The Trump-era tariffs of up to 25% cover hundreds of billions of dollars worth of Chinese imports, including many consumer goods from bicycles to Bluetooth devices and apparel.
Yellen says some China tariff cuts may be warranted,...
Yellen has been at odds with U.S. Trade Representative Katherine Tai, who has argued that the tariffs' future should be considered as part of a new strategy to push Beijing to curb its non-market trade and economic practices. read more..

Tai said on Monday that curbing inflation was a more complicated issue than could be achieved by cutting tariffs.
In 2011, the U.S. imposed duties on Chinese products to counteract subsidies and unfairly low prices. U.S. installers then started buying more products from Taiwan, but in 2015 the U.S. imposed duties on Taiwan as well.