Uuuuugh, I love my doggos, they're so smart, but especially Ian! ;w;
We got a really heavy thunderstorm rolling in, constant thunder outside and pouring rain on the roof. It was making them super anxious. They were pacing all around my room, rubbing up against me for comfort, the whole shebang. So, to distract them, I told them "Bring it to me!" which I know Ian has recognized as the phrase we say when he drops a toy
too far away for us to grab when he's playing. They both started looking around, getting excited, Cody started rubbing his butt up against me for rubs and Ian began running out of the room and back in, unable to find a toy. Well, I'd seen a toy in front of my sister's bathroom, next to her bedroom door, so I told them "Go to Tiffany's room! Tiffany!" and
Ian turned around, looked towards her room, ran off, and came rushing back a couple seconds later with the toy.
I just love when they show that they know what you're saying and are trying to communicate with you, they just don't have people vocal chords to talk back. ;w;
Unfortunately, Cody's preferred way of playing doesn't involve toys, unless he's just chewing on one by himself, it's snuggles and scritches, so while Ian plays tug of war with me and the shark toy, Cody is just screaming in excitement while rubbing his butt on me for scritches. XD At least they're distracted.