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Thirsty Thursday. ^^ Tell me your desires~
I thirst for Cloud and Aerith to meet up and catch up again!! ...he just recently learned what an Ikebana is from Ayaka.
"yes" c:
ะฒัปส‚ส‚ ฦšฦฐส€ฮบ
you already know my desires
But I mean.... all the horny we have, I am Happy
you're letting get to be a filthy lil monsterfucker and I couldn't ask for more
totally just outing myself on your plurk as filth ๐Ÿคฃ
Oh I'd love to!! Save for the housewarming party on the 1st, rehearsal/script reading on the 2nd and dinner with Rufus on the 3rd (oh god), Cloud's pretty open. That and he moved in with Zack!
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๐ŸŒธSpringfallen๐ŸŒธ If you just outted yourself, pretty sure I did the same LOL!
we all got a little filth in all of us. LBR. jklhdsaf
We could log something! Or I can even hit up Aerith in her inbox if we wanted to have them run into one another. He thinks back to her often. ;; especially since she's the one who encouraged him to try making the most of his time here. He's still figuring that part out, now that he's a little less like his old Ex-SOLDIER self.
Aerith bless.
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^^ Whichever you prefer! She'll be surprised to see him regardless lol. Since he's no longer her bodyguard! But she tends to spend most of her time in her garden, obviously. Though TDM wise I did want her to view those meteors, I just haven't had the time (or energy) to do anything.
I know the feeling. I'm doing my best not to spread myself too thin on threads while I thread what I have in the past and current.
Nonono, it's okay!! You gotta takcle what you wanna tackle too.
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But I would like a Cloud thread. ^^ If he's living with Zack now he should be close by, yes? Wait, does Zack have a house yet? I have no idea...
LMFAO TRUE, outing ourselves as filth
Zack's in an apartment not far from most the others! ...which is fine by Cloud.
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LOL Cloud wouldn't wanna come live in Neo Midgar?
ะฒัปส‚ส‚ ฦšฦฐส€ฮบ
cloud, come live next door to noct and prom, they accidentally moved into neo midgar
NOT YET. Cloud's still trying to come to terms with the fact that the Turks and Rufus are chummy with them now. But. He'll try. fjsdklag
ะฒัปส‚ส‚ ฦšฦฐส€ฮบ
who wouldn't want to live next door to the young couple with an entire weapons arsenal that also own a chocobo farm
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Such a weird street... Porn... flowers... chocobos...
ะฒัปส‚ส‚ ฦšฦฐส€ฮบ
sounds like a good time to me
Welcome to Neo-Midgar- I mean, Nippon.
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We DID have ideas to take over the whole thing... but ended up just sticking to the one street. The whole world is way more responsibility than we need.
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daisythesorceress: all the horny? That's a lot of horn! I approve!
Bah Humbug
A/B/O nonsense /nodnod
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Bah Humbug : hey if you actually wanna do a real version of that with the boys I am always down! The little bits in Jikan are so much fun!
Bah Humbug
Bah Humbug
Which is to say I will write something up
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Won't lie, no idea atm lol! But if I learn to brain I will come barrelling in your direction!
My desire is to find the strength of will to make with the tagging :-D
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Lol! Yeah that is a very good desire I would also like!
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Fluff with feels is the best kind of fluff!