Videogame Heardle 46


Videogame Heardle
I recommend everyone try today’s, so it’s not in my catchall
the grink
Look. I don't remember the intro to that song!
the grink
( 🔈🟥🟥⬛️🟩⬜️⬜️ )
Don't 4get DL-6
Anyway it was Snake Eater
tsukuyomi tsimp
Lmao got it in one....that song has engraved itself on my brain
yeah today’s was a snap too
the grink
Yeah THAT one I got on my first try.
the grink
But the drum intro to snake eater was like, "oh this sounds a lot like a ff7 boss theme" and then it wasn't, I remember the horns and the THRIIIIILL but not the drums