夭壽喔這段 “Indeed. I can barely count the number of times I’ve noticed one of his underlings, who are all male, developing romantic or sexual feelings for him. Believe it or not, Kurapika is the type who’s attractive to men.”
“It did, but not because he’s homophobic or anything foolish like that. Their feelings tended to get in the way of their work responsibilities. They’d start to prioritize his safety over the mission at hand. He began to find it troublesome, so he’d pull them away for a private chat. After that, they’d stop showing up for work.”
Leorio mutters constantly to himself as he reads. “Wait, how many princes are there? Some of the princes died? And many of the guards died too? Why is everyone dying up there?! All this fuss for some musty old throne? This is ridiculous! It’s way too extreme! Kurapika — the Hunters shouldn’t be getting involved in this ungodly mess!” 我的媽呀!!!!雷歐力太甜了吧護妻心切!
Leorio throws up his hands in frustration. “Argh! You’re really going to make me say it?! Forget about Hisoka! Pick me instead! Just ask me for sex, jeez!” RRRRRRR幹的好呀作者
You know what, scratch that. I subconsciously expected this. You’re short, but you’re overconfident, which can only mean — 幹雷歐力你那什麼性別意識不足的發言啦XDDDDD你很矮,但你超有自信,所以這一定代表你ㄐㄐ很大,幹XDDDDD
Hisoka smiles, his curiosity piqued by the unrestrained peals of laughter. He’s never heard Kurapika truly laugh before, and he’s willing to bet that almost no one in the living world has been blessed with this opportunity. If people only knew that Kurapika was capable of making such an enchanting, pleasant sound they’d never leave him alone, that’s for sure
看這篇真的覺得作者描寫的很好,雷酷很甜,雷歐力always worried about 酷拉皮卡,永遠為他著想,希望他能好好活著,也願意涉險為他分擔。但酷拉皮卡不願意,他想要的東西並不是好好活著,而是完成復仇或是blabla,他最不樂意看見的就是雷歐力為了他涉險,他希望一個人完成所有事情。所以每次雷歐力看到他又虐待自己時總是罵他,為什麼不聽話,為什麼不肯讓我分擔一些,然後酷拉就會很煩躁的回嗆,覺得自己已經夠burn out了為什麼這傢伙要一直這樣,雷歐力說是因為我擔心你啊,你讓我很受傷,酷拉這時就會覺得,原來我是一個這麼troublesome的朋友,我果然還是讓你難受了,然後陷入自責循環,感到更加痛苦。
Kurapika considers this. “I do share the sentiment, as a general rule. However. . . .” Kurapika beckons to Hisoka, who is standing some distance apart from them, along with the other non-Zodiacs in the 14th Prince’s camp.
Noticing the apprehensive expressions on the elder Zodiacs’ faces, Kurapika speaks up again. “I’m not attending the meeting without Hisoka. We’re a package deal, take it or leave it.” 啊我死ㄌ
Kurapika looks somewhat amused. “The 14th Prince’s camp was already privy to that information, actually.” Cheadle is taken aback. “Really? Since when?” Hisoka speaks in a singsong voice. “Since I threw all the cameras and surveillance equipment in the control room aboard. You’re welcome!” 開始看出酷拉對西索的寵溺小眼神
Kurapika’s hand reaches for Leorio’s face. When his thumb traces soft circles over the corner of Leorio’s eye, Leorio only then realizes that he’s crying. Kurapika’s voice is gentle. “These tears aren’t for me, are they?” 酷拉皮卡你這個渣男QAQ一直害雷歐力哭
Leorio is trying to find Kurapika’s prostate gland — that particular part of the male anatomy is supposed to be extremely sensitive, right? Kurapika is sighing again. “What are you doing now, Leorio? You don’t think I can sense you beaming waves of Nen into my asshole?” 幹XDDDD雷歐力用念來做前戲XDDD太犯規了吧(雷歐力用念刺激前列腺中...)
Re: Kurapika -- It always frustrates me when I see Kurapika written as a shy, blushing, delicate uke type, purely because of his effeminate appearance. That is the EXACT opposite of his characterization in the manga/anime. He's logical, pragmatic, fearless, confident. I'd imagine he'd be confident in bed, the same way he is everywhere else.
Combined with the manipulative side of his personality and the inherently self-destructive nature of his goals, it felt almost natural to characterize him as someone who uses sex as both a power tactic and as a coping mechanism.
was shocked to see how many people genuinely ship him with Chrollo - I mean, I DO get the appeal - aesthetically and personality-wise, for example - but to ACTUALLY consider him as an option was never really my thing, tbh) - and you made me fall in love with Hisopika as a wonderful alternative now, but ... what else came up in your ideas, if I may ask?
幹我看到睡不著,起來重溫這段,太他媽性感了 上一集:西索double kill了兩個王子as a 'get well soon' present,雷歐力和旋律看到一堆人頭扔在14王子客廳,認為酷拉看到這些只會想要他的創傷然後加重他的傷勢,所以偷偷拿去丟掉。希望酷拉不要看到。 這集西索把double kill後帶了一堆人頭回來這件事很興奮地炫耀,原本以為按照前一集雷的預想,酷拉應該會生氣但他竟然思考最後決定拍拍西索的頭說你做得好。我實在@#$)@#$@$*)@#,這作者真的很會玩弄人心。plus他在comment裡寫道對酷拉的理解是會manipulate他人的那種,我真的有種,這段酷拉其實根本在演戲吧影帝啊。他知道對西索生氣也改變不了什麼,為了鞏固同盟乾脆說他做得好,之類的?當然這只是我的猜想,如果我不幸
“An elaborate excuse for you to indulge in your favorite bad habit? Just how dense do you think I am?! I’m more pissed off by the fact that you tried to hide it from me! With the help of your partner-in-crime, no less!And you have the nerve to try to gaslight me, to make me doubt my own ability?!” 雷歐力!罵得好!這個皮卡欠罵!
“I wanted to give you a chance to change your mind,” Melody says quietly. “Your heart is wavering, even now. It’s not too late to choose him, you know?”
Leorio shakes his head. “Even after all this torture, all his endless mind games . . . I don’t regret a single thing. I don’t care if that makes me sound pathetic. I just love him so much, and I can’t change a damn thing about it.” 我天...喔我真的為雷歐力感到心碎
Every time Kurapika breaks off the kissing to catch his breath, he stares down hungrily at Hisoka’s lips. His brown eyes keep flickering in and out of their scarlet state. Hisoka doubts that Kurapika even realizes what his eyes are doing. 作者太會,忽紅忽棕的眼神,是要辣死誰?我好羨慕西索,西索讓開拜託,換我來了。
看到作者說不會用長壽米或壓路機來幫文中壽命大減的酷拉皮卡解套,而會讓他make the most use of his left time,我心整個涼了。 說實在話,我已經不在意酷拉皮卡跟誰CP,誰都好,單身到死也好,我只希望他活的長長久久,快快樂樂,做完自己想做的事。就算他在這篇文章中是一個asshole,我還是希望他活的很久很快樂。不跟誰在一起我都沒有遺憾,我只希望他健康平安,百歲無憂。
看到作者說不會用長壽米或壓路機來幫文中壽命大減的酷拉皮卡解套之後我就看不下去了,不能接受他die young的事實,even just a possibility. 我突然理解雷歐力的痛苦,痛苦不是被拒絕不是被他推開不是得不到他,是看他一直自我傷害卻無法幫助他,這才是我們最痛苦的地方。我有時候想,讓他早死是不是比較不痛苦的做法,因為他活著也好苦,背著127條族人的性命和仇恨,他又過於善良,不願意傷害弱者,注定以傷害自己為代價。我什麼時候才能找回那個善良又好奇的他,那個頂撞長老,對外面世界充滿好奇的他。我的確是因為加諸在他身上的鎖鏈而徹底瘋狂地愛上他的,但就算沒有那些鎖鏈,早在獵人試驗時,我就已經喜歡上那個冷靜、聰明、博學、教養優良的金髮美少年,誰能不愛他?他或許不是最強的,不是最有打架天份的
心裡覺得美滋滋但又覺得酷拉在宣告他們要一年後才見得到面* 這段子好棒
“Indeed. I can barely count the number of times I’ve noticed one of his underlings, who are all male, developing romantic or sexual feelings for him. Believe it or not, Kurapika is the type who’s attractive to men.”
Just before their lips can touch, Kurapika slots a piece of paper between their mouths.
“My schedule,” Kurapika says, his gaze steady. “Line up your breaks with mine if you can.”
Echoes of home, two tiers below - Chapter 1 - lemonp...
Echoes of home, two tiers below - Chapter 14 - lemon...
反之跟西索在一起的回合都在上床),後來才想通,那些雷歐力諄諄教誨的愛護自己的道理,酷拉哪會不懂,但他已經到極限了,他要做的事太多要保護的人太多,不可能還有時間分神「愛護自己」,所以雷歐力的話語在他耳裡聽起來就是責斥、是帶給雷歐力麻煩,應該要遠離雷歐力。雷酷的缺點就在於酷拉不信任雷歐力,雷歐力也不信任酷拉,雙方都有點問題。在burn out狀態下的酷拉還是比較適合西索這種獨立成熟(?)的大人的愛。啊我死ㄌ
Cheadle is taken aback. “Really? Since when?”
Hisoka speaks in a singsong voice. “Since I threw all the cameras and surveillance equipment in the control room aboard. You’re welcome!”
Kurapika’s voice is gentle. “These tears aren’t for me, are they?”
Kurapika is sighing again. “What are you doing now, Leorio? You don’t think I can sense you beaming waves of Nen into my asshole?”
鎖鏈SM享受激烈的戀愛場面上一集:西索double kill了兩個王子as a 'get well soon' present,雷歐力和旋律看到一堆人頭扔在14王子客廳,認為酷拉看到這些只會想要他的創傷然後加重他的傷勢,所以偷偷拿去丟掉。希望酷拉不要看到。
這集西索把double kill後
Kurapika leans against the wall by the kitchen door. He folds his arms over his chest and gazes down at the floor. “I did do that, yes.”
Leorio shakes his head. “Even after all this torture, all his endless mind games . . . I don’t regret a single thing. I don’t care if that makes me sound pathetic. I just love him so much, and I can’t change a damn thing about it.”
“I take back everything I ever said about your scarl...
“Kurapika…,” murmured Leorio so softly that only the...
“Don’t be mean. Melpik can add.”
“I’ve never seen it, and I refuse to believe something I’ve never seen.”
It wasn't a secret that Kurapika had no intention of...