Oxygen Venus
have you ever traveled with a pet, how was your experience?
кisмεт Fαiʇн
I drive from Philly to Orlando or pigeon forge with my dog all the time....it's pretty easy, just more stops but we have a minivan so he can spread out
кisмεт Fαiʇн
Flew our old dog from Newark to Orlando once and she got injured so don't recommend
Oxygen Venus
omg :-(
Oxygen Venus
injured how?
кisмεт Fαiʇн
She had cuts all over her face like she either got flipped in her cage or tried to get out
Oxygen Venus
Oxygen Venus
Oxygen Venus
Whiskey says
We travel with our dogs all the time. Always in the car, I have only flown with a dog once and he was in the cabin with me. He was a guide dog for the blind in training, so it was fine. But my dogs enjoy traveling and we always have a good experience taking them places with us.
Whiskey says
When we stay in hotels, we don’t leave them in the hotel room alone though. They would bark and drive everybody nuts. But we usually rent vacation houses that are pet friendly and just take them along.
I drove 11 hours with bonnie and clyde when i first brought them home, but they were kittens and were small enough they had their litter box and everything they needed in their crate. They screamed a lot but in general it was fine
i also took them on a plane once while they were still only 6 months old. Aside from TSA getting pissed at me (which I anticipated) it was fine. I just asked for a private screening and they obliged and we went on our way. They were small enough to fit in the Delta duffel bag together and their ticket was about $200
We've flown with Kneesa once by plane she rode in the cabin with me and was great. we used to travel downstate regularly with the dogs and that was fine. they would just sleep.
Oxygen Venus
thanks for sharing eveyone!
Oxygen Venus
I'll keep this in mind for a travel experience I'll be doing soon
кisмεт Fαiʇн
Obviously it's easier flying with smaller dogs but you know how big mine is
Usually just in the car while moving, I've never done it in a plane because I've heard bad things. surprisingly the cat that hates everyone travels better than the friendly cow lol
Oxygen Venus