【FRAME框架】a basic conceptional structure;The frame of a picture or mirror is the part around its edges
「印太經濟框架」IPEF是什麼碗糕呢,不管名稱是WEF、APEC、IPEF,這些都正常的主權獨立國家在玩的談判架構,在中華民國殖民統治底下的台灣島,走上國際的名稱如果不是TAIWAN,如果是中華民國職˙民統治體制憲法之下的TAIWAN,如果依然是CHINESE TAIPEI,參加了也是無三洨路用。聲勢浩大的「IPEF印太經濟框架」外交動作,是美國版的什麼碗糕,都與山寨中國的中華民國殖民統治體制都無關
The 13 initial members of the group, the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework (IPEF), are the U.S., Japan, India, South Korea, Australia, Indonesia, Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia, the Philippines, Vietnam, New Zealand and Brunei
The World Bank Group's Country Partnership Framework (CPF) aims to make our country-driven model more systematic, evidence-based, selective, and focused on the Bank's twin goals of ending extreme poverty and increasing shared prosperity in a sustainable manner
Country Engagement
With the Framework Nations Concept, which it introduced to NATO in 2013, Germany attempted to bring the topic of defence cooperation among NATO countries once more to the foreground. The development of multinational units would, in theory, increase sustainability and help preserve military key capabilities
NATO’s Framework Nations Concept
The current notion of state sovereignty contains four aspects consisting of territory, population, authority and recognition
In international law, sovereignty is the exercise of power by a state. De jure sovereignty refers to the legal right to do so; de facto sovereignty refers to the factual ability to do so.
This can become an issue of special concern upon the failure of the usual expectation that de jure and de facto sovereignty exist at the place and time of concern, and reside within the same organization.
Sovereignty - Wikipedia