節目最後村上春樹選的是Stan Getz Octet演奏的樂曲 村上:「今天最後的樂曲是Stan Getz Octet演奏的〈They Can't Take That Away From Me〉,我與和田誠先生合作出版了《村上SONGS》這本書,書的內容是我將喜歡的歌曲歌詞翻譯成日語,再加上文章,由和田先生繪製插圖,書最後的附錄,是和田先生翻譯他喜歡的歌曲歌詞,而和田先生選的其中一首歌就是這首〈They Can't Take That Away From Me〉。」
村上春樹在廣播中朗讀了和田誠翻譯的歌詞,在此附上原文歌詞 The way you wear your hat The way you sip your tea The memory of all that No no they can't take that away from me The way your smile just beams The way you sing off key The way you haunt my dreams No no they can't take that away from me
We may never never meet again On the bumpy road to love Still I'll always, always keep the memory of The way you hold your knife The way we danced till three The way you've changed my life No no they can't take that away from me No they can't take that away from me
村上:「今天最後的樂曲是Stan Getz Octet演奏的〈They Can't Take That Away From Me〉,我與和田誠先生合作出版了《村上SONGS》這本書,書的內容是我將喜歡的歌曲歌詞翻譯成日語,再加上文章,由和田先生繪製插圖,書最後的附錄,是和田先生翻譯他喜歡的歌曲歌詞,而和田先生選的其中一首歌就是這首〈They Can't Take That Away From Me〉。」
The way you wear your hat
The way you sip your tea
The memory of all that
No no they can't take that away from me
The way your smile just beams
The way you sing off key
The way you haunt my dreams
No no they can't take that away from me
On the bumpy road to love
Still I'll always, always keep the memory of
The way you hold your knife
The way we danced till three
The way you've changed my life
No no they can't take that away from me
No they can't take that away from me