Killer Marathon - Travis Strikes Again: No More Hero...
showed this to the jigoku-cho mods to get kamui's stupid harpoon gun back so now im having my bimonthly The TSA Soundtrack Is So Good Though moment
🌸 Mɪᴋᴏᴛᴏʙᴀ
🌸 Mɪᴋᴏᴛᴏʙᴀ
obligatory best track in the game, silver face's boss theme
Travis Strikes Again: No More Heroes OST - On your m...
🌸 Mɪᴋᴏᴛᴏʙᴀ
🌸 Mɪᴋᴏᴛᴏʙᴀ
big fan of the nmh theme but trap
Travis Strikes Again: No More Heroes OST - Death Dri...
meebee abo: this soundtrack is nice, but it needs to bang.
🌸 Mɪᴋᴏᴛᴏʙᴀ
and kamui has his stupid harpoon gun yeahhhh