and uh, St Pierre is extremely expensive to get to. Like, would wipe out my current savings expensive. And then I'd be stuck on the island with no internet or contact to people outside of st pierre, with my family, who though I love constantly trigger me with no mental recourse or escape for a full week, while putting my dad to rest
is it mentally healthier for me to maybe take a day off and watch the funeral if they live stream it and let myself grieve instead of trying to juggle everyones volatile emotions?
speaking as someone who handles funerals badly, watching the funeral and then making a visit up to pay your respects when you can afford it might be the best recourse. there's no right or wrong way to say goodbye or to pay tribute
you dont sound like an asshole. seems like everyone and their mother has Opinions about How You Should Grieve and i think all of that is bullshit. You process and grieve how you feel is right. if going to this thing is only going to be upsetting and not do anything to help give you closure, it is more than valid to choose to not go and simply
maybe send flowers with your family or something if you feel obligated to Do Something, but funerals are for the living, not the dead, and if you won't get anything out of it, dont go
i think your dad would support you trying to be prudent about saving your money and wanting to make a good impression at this new job by being reliable and available
and I know the 'lol addicted to the internet' thing is joke worthy for me, but like... not having it is super anxiety inducing. like, ptsd levels for me due to past experience.
as someone who basically has the same issue with 90% of my family (and also needing internet access) and issues with funerals: I don't think you'd be an asshole at all
(st pierre does have internet but it's extremely expensive and I wouldn't be able to afford it for crap. Plus you know, french electric codes and such...)
forcing yourself through something that would be miserable for you and drain your savings isn't necessary to love your dad. he's getting laid to rest where he wanted to be, and you still remember and love him. those are the important things
okay... I told mom. It just... I legit just started this job, and i'd need to take off 5 days and then go back to work like nothing happened, and not have a meltdown
And praying I don't sound like a complete utter asshole for this.
Like, would wipe out my current savings expensive.
And then I'd be stuck on the island with no internet or contact to people outside of st pierre, with my family, who though I love constantly trigger me with no mental recourse or escape for a full week, while putting my dad to rest
that and like... I'd have no escape emotionally from my family.