“Grindelwald. You cannot imagine how his ideas caught me, Harry, inflamed me. Muggles forced into subservience. We wizards triumphant. Grindelwald and I, the glorious young leaders of the revolution.” 你無法想像他的思想多麼吸引、激勵了我,麻瓜被迫臣服,我們巫師揚眉吐氣。葛林戴華德和我,就是光榮的、引領革命的年輕領袖。
或許這就是鄧鄧所害怕的,害怕這個仍然對此抱有憧憬感的自己。正因如此,他多次拒絕擔任魔法部長的邀約,他知道自己是可能在權力中迷失的: “I had learned that I was not to be trusted with power. I had proven, as a very young man, that power was my weakness and my temptation.”
我覺得很有趣的一個地方,還有怪獸2電影中,鄧鄧在意若思鏡的那景,劇本上的動作指示是這樣寫的(p.162-63): He has not looked into it (The Mirror of Erised) for many years. Bracing himself, he now does so. 他很多年都沒有來照意若思鏡了,但他現在鼓起勇氣這麼做。
接著鏡頭呈現青年的GGAD將流著血的掌與對方的相互貼合,而此時鄧不利多的反應是: Dumbledore turns his head away, fighting the impulse to cover the glass again. Bracing himself, he looks up. 鄧不利多把頭別開,與內心再次將鏡子蓋住的衝動相抗。但他仍鼓起勇氣,將頭抬了起來。
“He ran, while I was left to bury my sister, and learn to live with my guilt and my terrible grief, the price of my shame.” 他走了,而我被留下來埋葬我的妹妹,並學習與我的罪惡及深沉的悲傷共處──我為這份羞恥付出的代價。
He has not looked into it (The Mirror of Erised) for many years. Bracing himself, he now does so.
Dumbledore turns his head away, fighting the impulse to cover the glass again. Bracing himself, he looks up.
“He ran, while I was left to bury my sister, and learn to live with my guilt and my terrible grief, the price of my shame.”
大概是這個反差讓我真正覺得鄧鄧的塑造很立體很深刻,並且被GGAD的虐戀戳到,後續讀到葛林視角的同人神作35 Owls,看完哭到不能自已(無誇飾),從此跌入這個CP坑QQ