gremlin wife
Dirge: Hey, we respect Freeza in this house! If I had a portrait of Freeza, I'd hang it in the dictator spot! In fact, as soon as I get money, I'm getting one.
Me: If you do that, I'm getting one of Cell.
Dirge, without missing a beat: And we can hang that in the disrespected person spot!
bean check
but then where does Buu go
☕ Aro ➽
get someone to paint freeza as the mona lisa, I dare you
gremlin wife
we don't talk about Buu, no no no
gremlin wife
omg the Mona Freeza
☕ Aro ➽
the Mona Freeza
I can think of a friend who might draw the Mona Freeza ;-)
we could legit commission this
gremlin wife
oh NO
oh yes
☕ Aro ➽
it needs a big gaudy frame too
boop snoot riot
Dirgegets the Mon Freeza, you get a painting of Cell Guevara
boop snoot riot
staring up and off into the middle distance
gremlin wife
oh my god