[the beatles] The curious identity crisis prompted by realizing your favorite Beatle is not actually your favorite Beatle. I really did assume my whole life that if I had one, it was John.
But if you're comparing Paul's post-Beatles output to John's... John might have caught up with Double Fantasy and going forward because he finally grew the fuck up, but he didn't get to go forward.
I'm collecting these. I've seen him refer to songwriting and sex as the same thing like at least five different times. And then there's the stage boners.. it's a whole thing
OH I just saw something where two different eyewitnesses to the filming of A Hard Day's Night testified that the reason they cut his solo scene (he's the only one without one) was because he couldn't stop staring at the actresses' cleavage during takes.
One of the paintings is called “Is this a self-portrait?” I ask him if it is. “I don’t know. It looks just a bit like me in the Beatles.” I say it also looks like John Lennon. “Uh huh, well hence the title. ‘Is it a self-portrait?’”
I feel like a failure.
Paul your brain
I just. how was that man in the coolest band ever?