got to work: AC is busted it's as humid in the building as it is outside
put me in a FRIDGE I'm melty
I'm that fun kind of tired where my eyes won't stop watering and it's hard to focus them
my tablet supposed to arrive today, ooooo buddy i am excited
excited to be reminded that I have no idea how to use these things and need to relearn from scratch what every artist my age has been proficient in using since 2008
remember when I went to art school, that was a waste, wasn't it
!!!!!!!! whaaaaaat
just the original set??
bleh!! clean is the original I'd have wanted the most
I never got a Rochelle.....
the greasy glue hair problem is an issue with a BUNCH of my display dolls
my black & white frankie has it :/
talk about Shadow High, now MH should have done a full line of black and white versions
yeah the fashions were getting old too, you can tell there's been a huge style shift
I am now perishing from period cramps and our order system is going SO SLOW it is frequently erroring out
I want a honeydew boba ._.
when I get home I gotta cook dinner too
terblet get
gotta figure out how to set up my drawin' program so that all the custom brushes i got uh..... work
i'm officially too stupid to understand this
bedtime with this bad mood nite nite
witchbabybat: hey remember when we were talking about a Rainbow High version of CA Cupid
they kind of did one
Rainbow High Kia Hart Fashion Doll
i kind of really like her
she's more interesting than their other pink dolls imo