cass 🐅
[ er adventures ] six hours later i am home and oh boy (spoilers: i am still suffering)
cass 🐅
ooooooh boy
cass 🐅
i did not have a fun time at the er
cass 🐅
so i get there, sign in, they triage me/take an ekg and send me back out to sit (mind you i am out of it in pain and didnt ask for my results, thats on me)
cass 🐅
fast forward three hours later and i am Suffering from more than just chest pains, the chairs are horrible and the air is horrible and i'm like
cass 🐅
you know what, let me find out what my ekg is and if it's fine i'm leaving
cass 🐅
i cannot take the suffering
cass 🐅
so i go up to the front desk and i explain and she's like "well you're not having chest pains now right?" to which i just stared at her and told her i've been having them the last three hours
cass 🐅
apparently that was the Key to getting sent to the actual ER
cass 🐅
get my results, my heart is fine, everything on that end is perfect so they do some bloodwork
cass 🐅
once again they tried to get me to pee to see if baby happen and once more my body was like haha no bitch
cass 🐅
but anyway
cass 🐅
the doc comes in like an hour later and is like hey everything looks good but did you know you have anemia?
cass 🐅
and i'm like yeah i've known for a while now its never been an issue
cass 🐅
guess what the issue is
cass 🐅
also my blood count is low for some reason
cass 🐅
like we want to give you a transfusion low
cass 🐅
then they're like we wanna keep you overnight
cass 🐅
and i was like mmmmmm no thank you
cass 🐅
for various reasons but most importantly the anxiety attack i nearly started having
cass 🐅
so after promising the doc i would come back if things got worse, i need to follow up with my doctor and a blood doctor asap
cass 🐅
and i guess just suffer until then
cass 🐅
i wont get into how most everyone except the triage nurse, the doc, and the tech were the only ones not unprofessional but
cass 🐅
on my way home i got a call from a different nurse telling me he was sending a police officer to my home to get the IV thing
cass 🐅
and i'm like i dont have it??? they took it out?????
cass 🐅
no one told him :'D
Juroku Cha
cass 🐅
anyway ty for the well wishes friendos my body will not win the war
mami on top 🔗
mami on top 🔗
that is like every experience I have ever had with an ER
Gay Priest
What is with the ER being so incompetent lately, goddamn.
Gay Priest
I say, hissing at the two times I've gone in the past like week and a half and getting "lol, we can't do anything but here's some muscle relaxers".
cass 🐅
i should have realized the moment my dad said "we brought your uncle here"
Gay Priest
... Also mood. I forgot the hospital I went to is known as the one you go to if you want to die.
cass 🐅
i usually go to a different one but my parents were like HEART HOSPITAL and this was closer
𝘛𝘢𝘪𝘻𝘪𝘿𝙞𝙖μ𝙭𝙞𝙖 💮
that hospital sucks. But I'm glad you know what the issue is now!
Ooooof. I am glad you’re home.
glad to hear you're home, that's never a fun scare to have. take care of yourself
oh i do not like them. i'm glad ur home and hope your body can have blood 8(
✧ Navigator ✧
they'd send a police officer to get an IV?!?!
cass 🐅
✧ Navigator ✧
wo ai ni ★
Good god
wo ai ni ★
Having enjoyed being so anemic that I got yo sleep in a hospital for it in height pandemic, i am so sorry
cass 🐅
oh god i forgot that happened
cass 🐅
wo ai ni ★
It was honestly the best hospital stay of 2020
cass 🐅
wo ai ni ★
Get your blood back caca
cass 🐅
dont worry i will
go marnie
ggggawwwd. anemia: it's never an issue until it is and then when it is HOO BOY. you have my sympathies and the saddest fistbump
cass 🐅
sad fistbump
go marnie
i ended up at urgent care about four years back for some wild heart palpitations, it was very scary and it just. it was anemia!! I got a bag full of $1 mcdonalds burgers on my way home
go marnie
I take iron supplements every night though and that does help me
cass 🐅
yeah the first thing i did last night was eat a food and take some b12 (cuz thats what i'm deficient in)
cass 🐅
now my phone will yell at me to take it along with the rest of the drugs
cass 🐅
or well before anyway
go marnie
i do not exactly recommend the bag of burgers method but i will say it was very funny
go marnie
"give me all your burgers" "h. how many?" "yes."
cass 🐅
cass 🐅
i think after an urgent care trip a bag of burgers is a perfect cure
cass 🐅
unless you are there for nausea
cass 🐅
then pls wait until after you feel better
oof oof 8(