OK pretty sure I got this one. The guy said I was his favorite candidate so far and when he said he wanted me to come in for a shadow, I said I had other appointments and he asked if they were other interviews and when I said yes, he said well what if we could get you in tomorrow?
what if they notice that I have opiods in my system from a few nights ago 'cuz I had a migraine? Do benzodiazapams count? 'cuz I've had to take a lotazapam to sleep every night I have an interview the next day
typically drug tests are only looking for illegal drugs but you could explain to the person testing you that you've taken a prescription opioid and ask if that'll be an issue
(you don't even have to tell them why, they shouldn't ask so if they do you can lie, people take opioids for short-term reasons all the time. tell them you had a tooth pulled)
so take my thoughts here with a grain of salt because I'm not a corporate/business/whatever person and I often don't quite get where they're coming from, but...
To me, if you say "I have migraines and wanted to make sure I got enough sleep for the interviews so I took X, just so you know" that 1. shows that you handle your own stuff in order to be there for professional things, 2. indicates you have nothing to hide, and 3. prevents me being surprised by finding... whatever may or may not show up
........now, again, idk enough about drug test detection precision or how HR people see this stuff... like, I'm on adderall, and IDK if that would show up the same as cheap Speed off the street, so I feel like I might be better off saying "hey so I take adderall at this dose daily to manage ADHD, don't be shocked if you see it"
100% you're not obligated to provide any medical information, but my impulse would be to get out in front before it's a thing for them to wonder about, especially since migraines are (in broad strokes) a thing people understand pretty well?
i'd feel safer telling them i took an opioid for something clearly temporary than something chronic, IF they ask, but i would first of all say "i took a prescription painkiller" and not elaborate further
if it was something like desoxyn, which is an ADHD med that is literally meth, yes i would say "i take desoxyn for ADHD which will pop on the test as methamphetamine, here's the bottle with my prescription info" and bring the bottle
after a bit of reading, it's also worth noting 1. that state laws on details of recourse, reporting, etc, can vary a lot, so it might be worth some googling to see what extra protections you might have in law, and 2. sometimes there's a separate medical review specialist you get to talk to about results before they go to HR but that seems to vary a lot too
(I kinda get the impression it's mainly larger companies that have a separate medical review person, but I'm not sure on that, and idk if there's an easy way to find out in this case)
we may be overthinking this lmao you have a legitimate prescription and they're testing to make sure you don't use anything illegal. you're not gonna test with excessive amounts and if you do test positive you say "i have a prescription"
and now I shush so people who actually know what they're talking about can get a word in edgewiseI mean yeah overthinking is very possible that is my brand too