Luke Skywanker
Birthday week started early, but is going swimmingly. I bought a bunch of food I like and made basically Thanksgiving on Friday. Took a little hike yesterday and have been writing and crafting. Today I'm having a big open party at a park. Tuesday is PAUUUUUUL. And next Saturday is the rock orchestra doing all of Sgt Pepper!
Luke Skywanker Bonus frolicking Macca for my enjoyment
spicy mycophile
EEEE! I hope the week treats you well <3
Happy birthday!!!
And tell us about this rock orchestra
Luke Skywanker
this is all I know so far!
And you need to petition the Pacific Science Center planetarium to get Laser Beatles.
I mean, they have Billie Eilish fer Chrissakes
Luke Skywanker
Yeah we did Beatles for literally years? like I must've done that show 200 times myself
Luke Skywanker
dunno why they didn't bring it back
Luke Skywanker
I do have a little trouble going to laser shows as an audience member now because you know, they're not doing it like I would
Luke Skywanker
Not that I have any idea if I was any good because I literally never got feedback
Luke Skywanker
and now the whole system is changed and computerized and the entire mechanism for control is different and yes I'm still mad about it and I sometimes actually burst into tears knowing I will never perform another laser show
I never knew you performed laser shows
Luke Skywanker
Oh I mention it every once in awhile but yes I did
Luke Skywanker
it was a trip, man
Luke Skywanker
I like collecting jobs you didn't know were jobs
Luke Skywanker
juliette lives
Happy Birthday!!!
You stole the board!
Luke Skywanker
NO I took a regrettably bad photo once BUT it was deeply cool
Luke Skywanker
juliette lives : thank you!